Archive for December, 2008

Outdoors meets Indoors


Here another guest has shown up! Earlier this year Natty came to visit for awhile. Do you ever have those dreams of living in the Swiss Family Robinson tree house? I think this kind of helps satisfy that for me.

Although, one of these would REALLY do the trick. Roderick Romero seems to have a very good nature connection, as can be seen in his lovely tree house creations. He is best known from the ’90s for singing along with his wife, Anisa, in the Seattle based, indie space rock band Sky Cries Mary, but then they both took a break to follow some of their other creative passions!

Ahhhhh……so much living to do!

side note: His middle name is Wolgamott. Can you imagine being his mom after he has gotten in trouble as a child, and having to belt out, “RODERICK WOLGAMOTT ROMERO!! You get your butt over here RIGHT NOW“!

December 2, 2008 at 7:08 pm 2 comments